
2021 - 2022 MA Art and Ecology, Goldsmiths University of London.

2018 - 2021 Fine Art (Ba Hons), University of Chichester.



Creative pathway speaker, Pallant House Gallery

Guest lecturer, Canford school


Artist in Residence at Küntslerbund Speyer, Germany.

Artist in Residence at Canford School, Wimborne. 

Solo exhibition, Buy the kilo, Tynemouth


Artist in Residence at Canford School, Wimborne. 

Guest Artist, Hotwalls Studio, Portsmouth.

Associate Lecturer, University of Chichester, Chichester.

Artist Educator, Pallant House Gallery, Chichester.

CVAN Visualise Open Source Webinar.


Associate Lecturer, University of Chichester, Chichester.

Artist educator, Horniman Museum, London.

Artist educator, Earthshapes, London.

Agnes Denes x MA Art and Ecology, CIRCA, London Piccadilly Circus.

MA Art and Ecology, Goldsmiths Postgraduate Degree Show, London.


Artist educator, St James Hatcham primary school, London.

Touch tours, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.

Platform graduate award, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.


Work Placement, West Dean Tapestry Studio, West Dean.


Blacksmith apprentice, Little Duck Forge, Portsmouth.

Group exhibition, Playdead studio, Portsmouth.